
Cybernetics has exposures in themarket through various powerful media platform.

दुर्गमलाई प्रविधिले जोडने अभियान

जेम्स न्याछ्यों (४३) साइबरनेटिक्स प्रालिका संस्थापक सदस्य एवं प्रबन्ध निर्देशक हुन् । नेपालमा सूचना सञ्चार प्रविधिको विकास, विस्तार र प्रवद्र्धनमा दुई दशकदेखि विभिन्न भूमिकामा रही क्रियाशील न्याछ्यों पछिल्लो समय नेपालमा स्मार्ट सिटी, इन्टरनेट अफ थिंग्स, मेसिन टु मेसिन प्रविधि विस्तारको अभियानमा छन् । सफल आइटी व्यवसायी र नेटवर्क इन्जिनियरका रुपमा परिचित उनी सधैं नयाँ प्रविधिमा काम गर्न रुचाउँछन् । इन्टरनेट नपुगेका ठाउँमा समेत विभिन्न सूचना प्रविधिका टुल्समार्फत सेवा पुर्याउने अठोट उनले लिएका छन् ।

Published On : May/June, 2018

Workshop on Community Development for Developing the Concept of Smart City

With the advancement of technologies in today’s world, there are various opportunities to implement technologies to turn our city into Smart city. Community development is the fundamental sector where IOT and M2M products and solutions can be incorporated for developing fully digitized public services. Considering this, Cybernetics Pvt Ltd. 

Published On : March 18, 2018

Workshop on Smart ICT Based Education System & Digitalized Tracking in School Buses

Cybernetics has developed a new innovative smart solution in the market named as SMART ICT based Education System for Community/WORKSHOP ON SMART ICT BASED EDUCATIONGovernment School as bundling partner of Nepal Telecom. It is an approach to provide equal education quality to all over remote areas.The main objective of this workshop is to upgrade quality of education through Smart ICT based Education System all over the remote areas and to facilitate parents of urban areas by providing digitalized tracking system in school buses

Published On : March 18th ,2018

Nepal Telecom 3G/4G LITE WIFI Router

3G Wi-Fi Router Wireless Router Nepal Kai first wireless CDMA technology is. The fastest downloading speed is 3.1 to 8.5 Mbps megabits per seconds. The service from all 75 districts of Nepal that every time the wireless Internet service can be run. This small-sized power without being run on NT 3G/4G LITE CDMA Router from the Kingdom of Nepal about the location of Internet service can be obtained at any time. Keeping memory storage devices on cod and hake on this data, WIFI and can be downloaded from the view.

Published On : February 12, 2017

CAN Infotech 2017: NT 3G wireless router launched

Gone are the days when you have to tap the cable from the nearby pole and employ several meters of cables to bring it to your home. The problem of load shedding is the worst nightmare to kill your company with Wi-Fi connectivity (except the valley dwellers). And the hitches of being out of the internet in the rural areas might give you a glimpse of the Stone age. However, such problems will no longer come to nudge you as Nepal Telecom has brought the 3G wireless router.

Published On : January 28, 2017

NT Launches Free Internet Service For Bus Passengers

Nepal Telecom (NT), has started providing internet service for free in public vehicles of short as well as long routes throughout the country. NT in collaboration with Cybernetics Pvt Ltd has launched the service starting from Monday. The deputy spokesperson of NT, Shovan Adhikari, said that the new service is aimed at providing easy and quality internet service to passengers travelling all over the country.

Published On : June 30, 2017

Cybernetics, Nepal Telecom start Bus Internet Service

Nepal Telecom and Cybernetics has launched new NT Bus Internet service. It is brand new technology for tour and travel business. Bus, micro and travel services can use NT Bus Internet to provide internet to passengers. This is based on CDMA technology which has broader coverage. It works on major highways and rural places on Nepal with NTC CDMA coverage.

Published On : Jun 29, 2017

NT launches Internet service for bus passengers

Nepal Telecom (NT), in collaboration with Cybernetics Pvt Ltd, has started providing free Internet service to bus passengers of both longer and shorter routes. Pradip Raj Upadhyaya, chief marketing officer of NT, and James Nachayole, president of Cybernatics, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to launch the service amid a function on Monday.

Published On : June 27, 2017

सार्वजनिक बसमा टेलिकमको निःशुल्क वाईफाई

काठमाडौं । नेपाल टेलिकमले साइबरनेटिक्ससँगको सहकार्यमा सार्वजनिक सवारीसाधनमा ‘एनटी बस इन्टरनेट’ सेवा सुरु गरेको छ । मुलुकभर सञ्चालन हुने लामो तथा छोटो दूरीका सवारीसाधनमा यात्रा गर्ने यात्रुहरुले इन्टरनेट सेवा सहज रुपले प्रयोग गर्न सकुन् भन्ने उद्देश्यले सेवा सञ्चालन गरेको टेलिकमले जनाएको छ । यससम्बन्धी सम्झौतापत्रमा नेपाल टेलिकमको तर्फबाट प्रमुख व्यावसायिक अधिकृत प्रदिपराज उपाध्याय र साइबरनेटिक्स प्रालिको तर्फबाट अध्यक्ष जेम्स न्याछ्योँले हस्ताक्षर गरेका थिए ।

Published On : २०७४ असार १२

टेलिकमको एनटी बस इन्टरनेट सञ्चालनमा, निःशुल्क रिम कार्ड सहित १० जिबी डाटा

सम्झौता पत्रमा नेपाल टेलिकमको तर्फबाट प्रमुख व्यावसायिक अधिकृत प्रदिपराज उपाध्याय र साइबरनेटीक्स प्रा.लि. को तर्फबाट अध्यक्ष जेम्स न्याछ्योँले हस्ताक्षर गरेका थिए । सोमबार एनटी बस इन्टरनेट सेवा सञ्चालनको अद्घाटन कार्यक्रमलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै कम्पनीका कर्पोरेट तथा व्यावसायिक रणनीति विभागका प्रबन्धक प्रतिभा वैद्यले यस सहकार्यबाट लामो तथा छोटो दुरीका वस यात्रुहरुले यात्राका क्रममा वाइफाइ मार्फत निःशुल्क इन्टरनेट, भिडिओलगायत मल्टिमिडिया सेवा उपभोग गर्न सक्ने बताईन ।

Published On : June 26, 2017