We focus on the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) here in Nepal

Transforming lives with affordable healthcare solutions

General Inquiry Hotline
WhatsApp & Viber:
9840004186 9741804980
[email protected]

Sunday to Friday, 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (NST)

️ Support and Service Request
WhatsApp & Viber:
9840004186 9741804980
[email protected]

Sunday to Friday, 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (NST)

Domestic Packages

Home Security Package मार्फत घरमा कोही नभएको वा सपरिवार बाहिर जानु परेमा घरको सुरक्षाको लागि Smart Home Security System राखेर ढुक्क हुनुहोस्।

मेरो घरमा कोही छैनन् तर पनि मेरो घर सुरक्षित छ र म ढुक्क छु, अनि तपाईँको नि ?

Implementing a smart security solution for flats, apartments, and individual houses can significantly enhance the safety, convenience, and peace of mind for residents.

Domestic smart home security plans are designed for Nepalese customers, offering advanced security and convenience tailored to local needs. Flat and apartment packages focus on securing limited entry points with features like smart access control, fire and gas leak detection, and real-time indoor monitoring. Individual home packages provide broader coverage with functionalities such as motion detection, outdoor monitoring, and expanded surveillance. Advanced plans in both categories enhance security with additional sensors, professional monitoring, and integration with smart assistants for seamless control. These plans deliver scalable, reliable, and customizable security solutions for homes across Nepal.


Note: Our Technical Team will provide required guidance on how to interact with devices and operation of tuya application up to two peoples( family members) remotely.

Available Smart Security Packages :

Smart Flat & Apartment

Starting From NPR 14,000*

अब Flat and Apartment को सुरक्षा सजिलो र स्मार्ट बनाउनुहोस्! हाम्रो Smart Home Security Solution ले तपाईंलाई आफ्नो घर चौबिसै घण्टा सुरक्षित राख्न ठूलो ‍मद्दत गर्छ। ग्यास चुहावट वा आगलागी र चोरि जस्ता खतराको जानकारी पनि app बाट तुरुन्तै पाउन सकिन्छ । Standard, Moderate, र...

Smart Individual Home

Starting From NPR 26,500*

तपाईंको घरलाई सुरक्षित राख्न हामीले विभिन्न किसिमका Smart Security packages ल्याएका छौँ। जसमा Home र Away जस्ता Mode Set गरेर, विभिन्न sensors को मद्दतबाट नेपाल वा जुनसुकै ठाउँबाट पनि आफ्नो घर र परिवार सुरक्षित राख्न सक्नु हुन्छ । ग्यास चुहावट वा आगलागी र चोरि जस्ता...

Promo Packages

Starting From NPR 8,775*

Explore our exclusive promo packages designed for your safety and convenience! From Smart Wifi Heaters and Security Systems to Electronic RIM Door Locks and Safety Monitoring Solutions, upgrade your home at special discounted prices. Act now and enjoy advanced technology with peace of mind!