Consulting For Remote Configuration and Management

Our Technical experts excel in the remote configuration and management system

What is remote configuration and management?

In this day and age, technology has become a synonym for “Convenience”. We can do almost all of our daily tasks, staying at home with the help of our devices and the internet such as paying the internet, phone and electricity bill, checking our account balance and many more tasks. All of this falls under “Remote Management”. Basically, remote management is managing your work at different places from one location without actually having to move to all those places by using technology such as the internet and software applications. This saves us a lot of time and resources that otherwise would be needed to go to the respective places and complete the task. “Remote Configuration” falls under remote management. In layman’s term, remote configuration is changing/ modifying certain settings and features according to ones needs staying at a centralized location.

How do we provide remote configuration and management?

Cybernetics is the one and only provider of wifi’s in buses and micros known as “NTBus Wifi” in Nepal. We use industrial routers to provide internet surfing and offline multimedia content for the traveler in the buses. All of the devices that have been installed in various locations can be remotely managed and configured from our own office. So to make any changes in our device, we just need the internet and a software application called “The Media-WiFi Platform”. It’s the core of all our operations from where we can manage our devices, be it having to change a certain setting in our device, replace the offline available multimedia content or check the statistics of the internet usage and the multimedia usage. Talking about statistics , there are a variety of stats that can be viewed from the “Media WiFi Platform” which inlcude which feature of our service has been used, how many times by a device, the internet used by each device, the internet used by each user/traveler, the view count of our offline content etc. Not only for transport but we use remote management in other sectors such as health, education and municipalities. In fact, Remote Management and configuration is the most vital part for our “Smart City” project, which includes Smart ICT Based Education System For Community School (SIBES), E-Nagarpalika, Smart Health Solutions Technology ( SHST ).